Beterem, Aharon Harlap
Vayimalet Kayin, Yehezkiel Braun
Aley Giva
Adon Olam, Aron de Sola (arr. Raymond Goldstein)
Halleluyah, Louis Lewandowski (arr. Raymond Goldstein)
Ma Tovu, Louis Lewandowski
Shuvi Nafshi, Louis Lewandowski
Shiru Lado-nai, Aharon Harlap
Shema Koleinu, Traditional
Shalom Aleichem
Yir'u Enenu, Gershon Ephros
Rosinkes Mit Mandlen, Folk tune (arr. John Clements)
Lift Thine Eyes (Elijah), Felix Mendelssohn
Requiem Aeternam, Peter Cornelius
Ah, How Gladly We Believe, Henry Purcell
The Last Words of David, Randall Thompson
The Pasture, Randall Thompson
Tarantella, Randall Thompson
My Lord, What a Mornin', Negro Spiritual (arr. R. Lee Gilliam)
He's Got the Whole World in His Hand, Negro Spiritual (arr. Charles S. Davdson & Cyrus B. Hailperin)
Bones Come A-Knittin' , Negro Spiritual, (arr. Marshall Bartholomew)
Shenandoah, Traditional Chantey (arr. Marshall Bartholomew)
Amo, Amas, I Love a Lass, Anonymous, (arr. Marshall Bartholomew)
Black is the Color of my True Love's Hair, Folk Song (arr. Stuart Churchill)
Yes Sir, That's my Baby, Walter Donaldson (arr. Jack Baird)
Petites Voix, Francis Poulenc
Le Chien Perdu, Francis Poulenc
Le Herisson, Francis Poulenc
Jimmie's Got a Goil, Vincent Perischetti
Sam Was a Man, Vincent Perischetti
Ching-a-Ring Chaw, Aaron Copland
At The River, Aaron Copland (arr. R. Wilding-White)
I Bought Me a Cat, Aaron Copland (arr. Irving Fine)
The Little Horses, Aaron Copland (arr. R. Wilding-White)
Down in the Valley, Folk Tune (arr. George Mead)
Old Abram Brown, Benjamin Britten
Weep You No More, J Meredith Tatton
Die Nacht , Franz Schubert
Der Traumende See, Robert Schumann
Die Lotosblume, Robert Schumann
Sur la Place (Carmen), George Bizet
Toreador, en Garde (Carmen), George Bizet
Di Madride (La Traviata), Giuseppe Verdi
O Isis und Osiris (Aria, Chorus Magic Flute), Wolfgang Mozart